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Hainan Village 义卖会

🌱 Hainan Village (海南乡素食馆) 诚邀天下善士,共同为慈济世界播撒爱的种子,积聚善念。

Hainan Village Vegetarian Restaurant warmly invites all kind-hearted souls to join us in creating a compassionate world, one heart and one step at a time.

8月20日(星期二),Hainan Village 将举办义卖活动,为筹建 美里慈济静思堂 的建设基金募款。当日七间餐厅的所有义卖收入将全数捐出,支持这一慈善事业。

On August 20th (Tuesday), Hainan Village Vegetarian Restaurant will be hosting a charity sale to raise funds for the construction of the Miri Tzu Chi Jing Si Hall. All proceeds from the day's sales across seven participating locations will be fully donated to support this noble cause.

时间: 8月20日, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Date & Time: August 20th, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

📍 地点 Locations:

  • Bandar Mahkota Cheras

  • Bandar Puteri Puchong

  • Bukit Raja, Klang

  • Megah Rise Mall, PJ

  • Mount Austin, JB

  • Menjalara, Kepong

  • Anggun City, Rawang

在这一天,您不仅能享用美味的素食,还能为 静思堂 的建设贡献一份力量。让我们汇聚每一颗爱心,一砖一瓦地筑起这座庄严质朴的殿堂。正所谓“积善之家必有余庆”,愿善与爱永续流传,感恩您的护持。

On this special day, you can indulge in delicious vegetarian cuisine while contributing to the building of the Jing Si Hall. Let’s unite our hearts and kindness, brick by brick, to construct a sanctuary that stands as a testament to compassion. As the saying goes, "A home filled with good deeds will always have an abundance of blessings." May kindness and love continue to flow endlessly. We deeply appreciate your support.


With heartfelt gratitude and blessings,

资料和图片来自: Hainan Village 海南乡



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