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🐾麻薯鬆餅 一口甜蜜,一手捏捏!🥞Mochi Pancakes A Sweet Bite and A Squishy Squeeze!




  • 软糯麻薯配上香甜芋泥,一口咬下去,幸福感爆棚!

  • DIY有趣造型,自己动手做出可爱的“小动物”鬆餅,让每一口都充满惊喜!

  • 适合与朋友、孩子一起享受创意时光,绝对是下午茶和家庭聚会的完美选择!

Have you ever eaten a dessert you can play with?

Introducing the cutest taro mochi pancakes – they're not only delicious but also double as a squishy stress-relief toy!💜

🌟What makes it special?

  • Soft mochi and creamy taro filling – a bite full of joy and satisfaction!

  • Fun DIY animal-shaped pancakes, bringing delight with every bite!

  • Perfect for an afternoon tea party or a family bonding activity – get creative with this adorable dessert!



  1. 混合鬆餅粉、鸡蛋、清水,搅拌均匀。

  2. 倒入圆形锅中(或裱花袋挤成圆形),小火煎至表面起泡,翻面再煎熟。

  3. 雪媚娘预拌粉与热水按1:1混合,搅拌均匀后加入黄油,揉成软面团。

  4. 取一小块面团包住芋泥,搓圆并压平。

  5. 两片鬆餅夹住做好的芋泥麻薯,还可以加上三角形“小耳朵”!

  6. 用融化巧克力为你的鬆餅画上可爱表情,最后装饰一片黄油。

  7. 开吃吧!不仅味道超赞,还可以当作手捏“玩具”解压哦!✌️

🍴Simple 7-step recipe:Even beginners can master it!👇

  1. Mix pancake batter, eggs, and water until smooth.

  2. Pour into a round pan (or use a piping bag to create circles). Cook on low heat until bubbles form, then flip to cook the other side.

  3. Mix mochi premix and hot water (1:1), stir well, and add softened butter, knead into a soft dough.

  4. Take a small piece of dough, wrap taro filling inside, and flatten into a round shape.

  5. Place the taro mochi between two pancakes, add cute triangle ears on top.

  6. Use melted chocolate to draw adorable faces and top with a butter pat for decoration.

  7. Enjoy! Not only is it delicious, but it’s also a fun, squishy plaything to squeeze!✌️

📸 快拍照晒朋友圈,萌翻大家!这款芋泥麻薯鬆餅绝对是甜品界的“流量密码”,既好吃又好玩!试试动手做出属于你的专属造型,让它成为你的下一个“网红美食”!🔥

📸 Snap a pic for your feed and watch the likes roll in!

These taro mochi pancakes are the ultimate viral dessert – super tasty and super cute! Try creating your own version and let it become your next social media hit!🔥

🌸 记得点赞、订阅,并点击小铃铛,不错过我们更多的内容哦!💖




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